Genesis Property has completed more than 30,000 sqm. (GLA) and is planning more retail parks

More than 30,000 sq. m. of leasable space (GLA) has been delivered over the past several decades and another nearly 35,000 sq. m. scheduled for delivery in the next several months.
Genesis Property plans to deliver retail parks in Ropczyce (7,000 sqm GLA), Brzeziny (5,800 sqm GLA), Gostyn (9,800 sqm GLA), Rogozno (1,800 sqm GLA) and Zagan (7,000 sqm GLA) within the next several months. In the facilities completed to date, retail space has been fully leased by both chain brands such as Aldi, Biedronka, Stokrotka, Rossmann, Pepco, Dealz, Media Expert, KIK, Maxi Zoo, Martes Sport, Kaes, CCC, Tedi and Sinsay, as well as by local entrepreneurs. Commercialization of currently under construction is also progressing: much of the space has already been leased, and tenants include Aldi, Pepco and Dealz. Advanced talks are underway for more units. In addition to retail properties, Genesis Property is developing residential projects, as well as plans to debut in the warehouse sector in the next two years.
“Retail parks developed by Genesis Property are built in strictly selected locations that lack modern retail space. Our facilities provide a rich retail and service offer to residents of small and medium-sized cities, as well as to those who live on the outskirts of larger urban centers. When planning the construction of facilities, on the one hand, we carefully listen to the voices of our tenants, and on the other hand, we meticulously analyze the absorptive capacity of the local market in order to deliver formats that are tailored as much as possible to the requirements of local communities.” – says Juliusz Wawrzyniak, CEO of Genesis Property. ” The correctness of our concept is confirmed by successfully completed, commercialized and sold properties. Projects are bought from us by both large international entities and experienced domestic companies ” – emphasizes Julius Wawrzyniak.
“Genesis Property is planning to expand into other sectors of the commercial real estate market. We are carefully analyzing and preparing for projects in the warehouse sector, which we consider a natural extension of our current core business. I can confidently say that the company has grown into one of the larger players on the Polish market, specializing in smaller retail formats. We deliver high quality to all parties involved in the operation of the properties we develop: tenants, local communities and investors. We are planning our debut in the warehouse market over the next several dozen months, and we are currently working intensively on the commissioning of fully commercialized retail parks ” – Julius Wawrzyniak concludes.
Genesis Property is a real estate development company with more than two decades of experience in the real estate market. Thanks to our meticulous selection of locations, we create facilities that constantly increase their value. We have the resources to complete the entire investment process from finding and purchasing the property to its construction and commissioning, creating traditionally commercial locations not infrequently in places where modern retail has been lacking until now.